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The Stigma Surrounding Reading

The stigma Surrounding Reading

In our current age of rapid technological advancements, and despite the rise of booktok and/or booktube, reading has suffered a decline.

Regrettably, this can be beacuse of reading being subject to certain stereotypes, causing a taint on the activity.

Reading stereotypes

Reading is an antisocial activity

Reading is often perceived as a solitary pastime and thus readers are viewed as antisocial. Readers are sometimes even wrongly viewed as nerds or geeks, labels that come with their own stereotypes.

Plus, taking some to yourself to read, can fuel people’s unfair judgements about your “rudeness”.

Reading Is only for the Elite or the Rich

There is a common misconception that individuals who enjoy reading are either pretentious or overly knowledgeable.

Reading might be regarded as either a futile activity or a privilege reserved only for a few individuals in certain societies.

Reading is only for the women

Certain cultural or social conventions may discourage individuals from reading. Most of these preconceived notions are due to gender biases—that reading is an activity for the women, (much like how cooking is meant for women), while the men go out and “work” or whatever it is they do.

Assumptions like these can have debilitating effects on both men and women.

Men may become demotivated to interact with books and other types of written materials. And women feel ashamed for engaging in reading.

Reading only a certain genre is beneficial

Reading fantasy or young adult literature is often seen as a trivial pastime by many. The argument behind this is that instead of such books, one should opt for more “practical” reads like a self-help book or a biography.

Reading is an Inferior activity

Ever been part of the “playing sports is always better than reading, even writing” conversations?

It’s as exhausting as it sounds.

Are all These Stereotypes about reading True?

No. Not at all.

It couldn’t be further from the truth.

Numerous strategies can be employed to tackle these stereotypes. Breaking the stigma around reading is crucial for people to truly grasp the transformative power of this activity.

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